Outfits of July 15

Another month passed by, and it’s time for my recap video. I love doing these monthly videos because it is an easy way for me to throw back the past month, analyzing what went well and what went wrong, what I learned and how I improved. The clothes I wore did often reflect exactly how I felt. So, what happened to me in July?

On the first week of July, I was very motivated. It was the beginning of a new quarter, with new objectives and challenges. I had just had a week holidays in Lyon where I did a lot of shopping and visited some good friends, and the weather was hot; I love that. I wrote this article with tips on how to dress for work when it’s hot. This post has been one of the most read ones on this blog so far. 

I got a nomination for the Liebster Award and discovered some great blogs through it. I shot a photo series based on a red lace top I bought in Lyon, France in a great local shop. It was the occasion to write a post on tips on how to wear lace to work. Spoiler: it can be tricky. 

By the middle of the month, time began to feel like an eternity. I was tired and considered taking some days off, but I couldn’t because of some projects I have to work on until September. I tried to get some nice summer feeling in my life with my favorites of Summer 15. As it became harder and harder to go forward at work, I found some help with some motivational quotes and shared with you on the blog the three quotes that help me the most. 

In the end, I couldn’t care that much about what I was going to wear and found myself enjoying going to the office in my pajamas. As I do not intend to go on that way, I put my best tips and ideas together in a post on how to create new outfits faster in the morning. I’ll have to apply these tips to myself in August. 

Oh, just one little thing left: I booked 2 days ago the premium version of Grammarly. This should help me to improve my English writing. If you already read some articles of mine in English before, don’t hesitate to tell me if you notice a difference! 




Depuis le début de ma carrière dans le droit et le e-commerce, je saisis toutes les occasions de me développer professionnellement sans délaisser mon goût pour la mode et le style. Mon dressing est un mélange de basiques intemporels, de grands classiques du vestiaire professionnel, et de pièces extravagantes à la pointe des dernières tendances.

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