Liebster Ladies Award – That’s all about my blog

outifits fall 2015 liebster ladies awardFirst of all, I want to thank my beautiful blogger friend Marina for nominating me for this award. I answer Marina’s questions in this post. You will learn why I started this blog and how it has changed since I first created it. I share some reading tips and recommend 5 blogs I like to read on a regular basis. 

  1. Why did you start a blog?

It is rare to find some people to speak about career topics. I’m browsing a lot around the web to find some useful tips to manage my professional life. But I don’t find a lot of tips that are written with a personal touch, based on real-life experiences. That’s why I created my blog.

“Deadlines” stands for the work environment. “Dresses” stands for the fashion part of my blog. I do believe that the choice of an outfit is a strategic decision. The right clothes can help one to reach its professional goals, without having to renounce to what makes one unique and different.

To me writing this blog is like mentoring people I do not know. I want to inspire courage and motivation to other ambitious women.

  1. What’s your favorite blog post that you’ve written and why?

powerful business woman

My favorite post is the very first one because it describes my philosophy and the purpose of the blog. I read it again from time to time, and I still agree with each word. 

For those who do not read French, here’s a short resume: if there is no dress code at your office, it does not mean you can wear anything. You should see it as an opportunity to stand out from the crowd and to use your personal style to get noticed – in the right way. People will always pay attention and judge you on your appearance, even if there’s no official dress code.

This post is an invitation to follow my blog and to become aware of the doors your dressing can open for you within the corporate world. 

  1. If you could collaborate with any brand in the world, who would you choose?

I’m not that into brands. I do not want people to dress exactly like me or to buy the same clothes. I just want to show what is possible to wear at work and inspire women so that they dare more. If I have to mention a brand here, lately I bought a lot from & Other Stories. I wore a dress from them at my company’s Christmas party.

  1. How did your blog change since you first created it?

First, I wanted my blog to be like a magazine for career girls. At the same time the blog Career Girl Daily started, and I remember that I thought « wow, this is exactly what I want my blog to be » (but trilingual (English, French, German) and without ads). Unfortunately, I understood that I couldn’t do it alone. As a private person working full time, it was not realistic. I had to lower my expectations. That’s why I ended changing the concept a little bit, post more outfits and deal with Deadlines and Dresses as a private blog instead of a magazine for career girls worldwide. Maybe this part will come later.

blog_écharpe-rougeIn the beginning, I didn’t want to show my face and my plan was to shoot the outfits on a doll. But it became impracticable, and I understood that people read blogs for the blogger behind it. So I decided to start showing my face on the pics and noticed more engagement, especially on social media.

Now my goal for the next few months is to work on more content posts, that I would offer in 2 or more languages. I also want to get in contact with more other bloggers and better promote the posts that my readers like the most.

  1. List your top 5 reads of the week!

I share my reading tips on Twitter @dress4deadline on a daily basis. 

  • How Super Confident People React to Bad News – on Inc.
  • 5 Reasons You Should Swallow Your Pride and Ask for Feedback After Getting Rejected – on The Muse
  • How to Get Any Job You Want (even if you’re unqualified) – from Raghav Haran on Medium
  • Things to do when you’re in a bad mood – on Rebecca’s blog From roses
  • 6 Awkward Moments At Work And How to Recover From Them – on Career Girl Daily
  1. What one beauty item or fashion accessory can’t you live without?


  1. What makes your blog special? Give me your best pitch!

blog-career-presentationThe unusual thing about my blog is the focus on career topics. Even the fashion and lifestyle posts relate to career topics.

You won’t find holiday pics or beach outfits here. But tips on how to dress stylishly to work quickly in the morning or advice on how to improve your professional life

  1. What do you look for in a blog? What makes a blog worth coming back to?

I’m looking for a voice, a personality, and some original topics/outfits that stand out of the blogging crowd. I’m looking for inspiration and not for role models because every woman is different, and I do not like to copy other people. I just want to be the best possible version of myself. 


Now it is time to nominate some blogs for this award and ask them to answer some questions on their own blogs. For me, that is an occasion to share some blogs I like and read on a regular basis. My nominees are: 

  • Tatiana M. from HEKYMA (she’s got a very personal sense of style)
  • Mayasa from MAYASA Lifestyle (she is so organized that she can give a monthly preview of what is coming on her blog)
  • Laura from MIXT Fashion and Lifestyle (my favorite category is the « Living » one)
  • Catherine Covets’ blog ( she is also a contributor to Career Girl Daily)  
  • Isaüra from That’s intrinsic (she gives the best fashion advice)

Here are my questions for you:

  1. What got you into blogging? // Pourquoi as-tu commencé à bloguer ?
  2. What’s your profession besides blogging? // Quelle est ta profession en dehors du blogging ?
  3. What’s your favorite (motivational) quote? // Quelle est la citation qui te motive le plus ou te décrit le mieux ?
  4. What’s your favorite piece of clothing in your wardrobe? // Lequel de tes vêtements est ton préféré ?
  5. Is there any blog you read on a daily basis? // Est-ce que tu lis un blog en particulier au quotidien ? Lequel ?
  6. What’s your favorite online shop? // Quelle est ta boutique en ligne favorite ?
  7. What would you wear for your first day at a new job? // Quelle tenue choisirais-tu pour ton premier jour dans un nouveau job ?

Depuis le début de ma carrière dans le droit et le e-commerce, je saisis toutes les occasions de me développer professionnellement sans délaisser mon goût pour la mode et le style. Mon dressing est un mélange de basiques intemporels, de grands classiques du vestiaire professionnel, et de pièces extravagantes à la pointe des dernières tendances.

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